Sunbeam Chats

ITAL MOMMA Plant-based Food W/ Mygella Akosua aka ITAL MOMMA

Arlene M. Holman

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Mygella Akousa aka Ital Momma is a Plant-based Chef. She is an Artist, Dance Choreographer, Dancer, Personal Chef and Founder of Ital Momma. She offers a culinary experience, specializing in Caribbean plant-based food, personal chef services, cooking classes and retreats.

A native of Saint Martin, she resides in Suriname but travels across the Caribbean as a travelling Chef, for her retreats and outdoor cooking experiences.

In this delightful conversation, Mygella talks about her life as a Creative and her first encounter with Ital food and the lifestyle, then her transition from eating meat to plant based eating. 

She talks about how she got the name, why plant-based eating/cooking and the health benefits she has personally experienced. In particular the health and wellness benefits for women and their reproductive health.

Mygella says give yourself grace if you decide to switch to plant-based eating. The reality is that your body has been trained to eat a certain diet for years so going "cold turkey" is not the best way. Small steps,  eliminations and substitutions is the way to go and start. 

ITAL MOMMA talks about the types of food she cooks, which is really Caribbean food in its natural and healthy state, prepared to give nutrients to your body. We talk about her wonderful Social Media pages and website which is full of wholesome, healthy Caribbean food, and how to live a happy healthy life naturally. 

ITAL MOMMA  talks about her services and retreats - the Ultimate Plant-based Wellness Escape, across the Caribbean and generally why living this lifestyle is great for your wellbeing. Plus much more. 

If you desire to eat healthier and go plant-based, this is the conversation for you to help you on this path.