Sunbeam Chats

Ayurveda Wellness & Lifestyle W/ Jeunesse Pouchet

Arlene M. Holman Season 9 Episode 94

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Jeunesse Pouchet, is a Food & Nutrition Chef, Blogger and Ayurveda Wellness Lifestyle Practitioner. She is the Founder of The Youthful Vegan, her intent is to promote healthy eating and a overall wellness lifestyle; which fosters a greater consciousness of what we put
into our bodies.

In this conversation, we are seeking the fountain of youth with Youthful Jeunesse, she shares her story of how this path somehow found her and the experiences that led her on this journey.

Jeunesse, talks about diet and exercise and how what we eat affect our overall health. Therefore we must be conscious of what we consume. We discuss a plant-based diet and its impact on our overall wellbeing. For those who desire to walk this path, she gives practical steps to get there.

We discuss her lifestyle blog The Youthful Vegan, she speaks about her wonderful healthy food creations and dishes, plus the importance of using fresh, organic and natural as possible ingredients to prepare meals.

We delve into  Ayurveda the study of life, which takes a  natural approach to all aspects of health and well-being. It is based on the idea that each person has certain life forces (doshas) and everything in the universe is connected. An imbalance in 1 area can affect another.

It is also the traditional Hindu system of medicine (incorporated in Atharva Veda, the last of the four Vedas), which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

As a Ayurveda practitioner and advisor, Jeunesse talks about her approach to the practice and how she helps people to reset, recover and heal depending on their ailment. 

Jeunesse speaks about the importance of exercise like Yoga, breathing and practicing mindfulness, to support and improve our health and wellness. 

We also discuss a day in the life of Jeunesse, that is what she eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then she shares some other helpful tips in service of the Ayurveda lifestyle. 

If you are seeking the fountain of youth or generally looking to live a healthier life, then let her help you on this path. Jeunesse's intention is to guide you along this journey of good health, love and compassion. Namaste